Radio Eye broadcasts the reading of newspapers, magazines, grocery ads, health information, and more to people who are visually impaired or otherwise print impaired. We are dedicated to producing quality programming designed to help our listeners lead enriched, productive, and independent lives.
Radio Eye broadcasts the reading of newspapers, magazines, grocery ads, health information, and more to people who are visually impaired or otherwise print impaired. We are dedicated to producing quality programming designed to help our listeners lead enriched, productive, and independent lives.
“Whenever I turn it on, there’s always something interesting. I like to know about events, the new restaurants around. I might like to go. Without Radio Eye, I wouldn’t know about them.”
-Marilyn, listener since 2017
With your gift, you're helping the 10,000 listeners in Kentucky who have access to Radio Eye's service. You're helping us keep our service free, and providing our listeners with readings of their local news, grocery and drugstore ads, disability news, and more.
Mail a Check
Write a check payable to Radio Eye and mail to:
Radio Eye
1733 Russell Cave Road
Lexington, KY 40505
We offer sponsorship opportunities to fit all your needs! Wish a listener a Happy Birthday during their favorite program, or let our 10,000 listeners know about your business.
Donate to our Endowment at the Blue Grass Community Foundation to invest in Radio Eye's future. Contact Amy Hatter at or Halee Cunningham at
If you would like information about leaving a legacy gift, donating your stock, including us in your retirement, or anything else, contact
You can have a percentage of your Amazon purchases go to us through the Amazon Smile program.
You can also donate just by telling your Alexa device! Say "Alexa, donate to Radio Eye." Then follow the voice prompts.
You can donate your vehicle through a super-convenient process at Vehicles for Charity. Simply fill out this form and they'll take care of the rest.
You can donate to us by shopping at Kroger, through their Community Rewards program. Our organization code is HT780.
Equal Employment Opportunity & Broadcasting Regulations
Radio Eye provides equal employment opportunity for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, genetic information, status as a veteran, national origin, age or disability. Radio Eye complies with any special requirements relating to broadcasting standards and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules and regulations.